VRt.Universal [UV] (7.5.2472)

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Software interface for universal trip planning.


  • Ability to pick up cargo from any location
  • Possibility of unloading in any location
  • Pair orders of several types: PICKUP (loading), DROP (unloading)
  • Single requests of several types: DROP_FROM_BOX (unloading cargo that is already in the body), PICKUP_TO_BOX (cargo pickup into the body without subsequent unloading), WORK (working at the location without moving the cargo)
  • A complex order can consist of any number of orders of any type
  • Transport and performers are divided into different entities, when planning, the optimal assignment of the performer to the transport occurs
  • The transport has several boxes - each of which can accommodate cargo and has its own characteristics
  • Accounting for the compatibility of cargo with transport in terms of cargo dimensions (length, width, height, additional capacity parameters)
  • Taking into account the compatibility of the cargo-box of transport (the ability to take into account the features of the box: refrigerator, thermal bag, fasteners, etc.)
  • Substitute applications, i.e. the ability to execute one of the substitute applications, the choice of which is based on its geographic location and time window

Restrictions support

Performer restrictions:

  • Start/finish location
  • Accounting for the performer's way to the transport location
  • Performer's availability schedule is a list of time windows when the performer can move and work on locations
  • The maximum duration of the performer's work during the specified time period

Transport restrictions:

  • Start/finish location
  • Transport availability schedule is a list of time windows when the transport is available
  • The maximum route distance
  • Several boxes in the transport, each with its own parameters
  • Capacity upper limit (weight, volume, number of orders, number of demands)

Order restrictions:

  • Strict time windows
  • Ability to specify different valid time windows for a location and time windows to fulfil the desired demand
  • Accounting for the requests fulfillment order within the route
  • A list of desired time windows with different associated costs


Entities are compatible if the capabilities list of one entity corresponds to the list of restrictions of another entity (example: fleet parameters corresponds to cargo parameters to be delivered).

Supported compatibilities:

Name Restrictions Features
Order - Performer order.performer_restrictions performer.performer_features
Order - Not a performer order.performer_blacklist performer.performer_features
Cargo - Box order.cargo.box_restrictions transport.box.box_features
Location - Transport location.transport_restrictions transport.transport_features
Transport - Performer transport.performer_restrictions performer.performer_features
Performer - Transport performer.transport_restrictions transport.transport_features
Order - Order order.order_restrictions order.order_features

Business rule examples:

Name Business rule example
Order - Performer The driver must have a special license to fulfil the order
Order - Not a performer The driver is in the blacklist
Cargo - Box For transportation of frozen products, a box with a special temperature profile is required
Location - Transport Restrictions on the transport height
Transport - Performer The truck driver must have the class C driving license
Performer - Transport The driver is allowed to work on a specific transport
Order - Order It is not allowed to transport fish and fruits in the same box

Cargo placement

List of possibilities of a object rotations (90 degree step):

  • ALL - can rotate by any axis
  • YAW - can yaw
  • PITCH - can pitch
  • ROLL - can roll


Trip model

A trip is described by a list of states of the performer, while at the same time the performer can be in several states (for example, being inside the working time window of a location and fulfilling an order at the same location).

The meanings of the flags responsible for the geographical location:

  • AROUND_LOCATION - the performer is located near the location - in the process of parking or leaving it.
  • INSIDE_LOCATION - the performer is located at the location.

The values ​​of the flags responsible for being in time windows:

  • INSIDE_WORKING_WINDOW - the performer is inside the working time window.
  • INSIDE_LOCATION_WINDOW - the performer is located inside the location's operating time.
  • INSIDE_EVENT_HARD_WINDOW - the performer is inside a hard time window.
  • INSIDE_EVENT_SOFT_WINDOW - the performer is inside a soft time window.

The values ​​of the flags responsible for the actions:

  • ON_DEMAND - the performer is working on the request.
  • WAITING - the performer is in standby mode.
  • RELOCATING - the performer moves to the next stop.
  • BREAK - the performer is on a break.
  • REST - the performer is on a long vacation.

An example of a route with multiple states at each point in time

time set of active flags location / order / application / event comment
2 / - / - / - starting location
10:10 RELOCATING - / - / - / - we go to the first order
10:20 AROUND_LOCATION 2 / - / - / - arrived at the first order
2 / - / - / - parked
2 / - / - / - waited for the start of the location window and at the same time the availability of the order
2 / 1 / 2 / 3 waited for the change of artist
2 / 1 / 2 / 3 while working - a soft window happened
2 / - / - / - finished working
2 / - / - / - drove out of the parking lot
- / - / - / - we go to the next order

Planning configuration

For each planning, it is possible to specify a planning configuration that defines the objective function, the desired quality of the routes, and the calculation speed.

The name of the scheduling configuration is passed in the trips_settings.configuration field.

Main configurations:

Title Task
optimize_distance Arrange as many orders as possible, then optimize the total mileage (the number of vehicles is selected based on the mileage), used by default
optimize_transports Place as many orders as possible, while using as little transport as possible, ceteris paribus, optimize the work time of performers
optimize_locality_grouping Place as many orders as possible, while striving to optimize the visual grouping of routes, but not their number
optimize_cars_then_distance Arrange as many orders as possible, then optimize the number of vehicles, then the mileage
optimize_time Place as many orders as possible, then optimize the total work time of performers
optimize_cars_then_time Arrange as many orders as possible, then optimize the number of transport, then the total time of the performers
optimize_money Optimize the value of "profit - costs", consists of rewards for applications and costs for performers and transports (optimized value is non-negative)

Additional configurations:

Title Task
visual_grouping Arrange as many orders as possible while using as little transport as possible and routes should be visually grouped
optimize_visual_grouping Arrange as many orders as possible, then evenly distribute orders taking into account transport accessibility zones (similar to visual_grouping, but visual grouping is calculated differently)
optimize_cars_then_locality_grouping Arrange as many orders as possible, then optimize the number of vehicles, then visually group the routes
optimize_cars_then_single_location_grouping_sequenced Place as many orders as possible, then optimize the number of machines, then reliability

In addition to the existing planning options, it is possible to create an objective function directly for the client's business processes (request configuration).

For development, it is recommended to use optimize_cars_then_distance